Users’ Meeting Archive

A photo from the Users' Meeting Archive 2016 shows CEO Stephan Petersen presenting a slide titled 'A model for the prediction of precipitate formation during steel making.' The slide lists the authors and their affiliations, including GTT-Technologies GmbH and the University of Science and Technology Beijing. Stephan Petersen stands to the right, holding a pointer, in a classroom setting.

Step into the history of the GTT-Technologies Users’ Meeting Archive.

Since its origins in 1999, the GTT-Technologies Users’ Meeting has provided a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and driving thermodynamic innovation. This archive highlights programs from past meetings between 2006 and 2024, showcasing the ideas, discussions, and developments that have shaped our community and software over the years. Many of the presentations include downloadable abstracts and slides, providing a valuable resource for deeper insight.

From thermodynamic modeling to real-world applications.

From thermodynamic modeling and phase diagrams to kinetic studies and process simulation, the archive provides a window into the most pressing topics in computational thermodynamics. These programs also highlight advances in energy efficiency, slag optimization, and high-temperature processes that have broad applications in metallurgy and beyond. Discussions on topics such as corrosion analysis, oxidation behavior, and multicomponent systems illustrate the diverse challenges being addressed. The inclusion of presentations on database development and novel methodologies further highlights the progressive nature of these meetings, ensuring their relevance to both academic and industrial audiences.


Please click on the links below to revisit the Users’ Meeting Archive:



Moritz to BabenGTT-TechnologiesOpening remarks
Klaus HackGTT-TechnologiesAqueous Phase Diagrams in FactSage 7.2
Risto PajarreVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LtdAqueous solution database and modelling using the Pitzer formalism and ChemApp/ChemSheet
Petteri Kangas VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LtdApplication of ChemApp models to mine water chemistry
Helge MoogGRS – Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbHThe THEREDA project
Matti HellströmGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenNeural network simulations for aqueous systems
Bruno ReisGTT-TechnologiesThermodynamic database development for phase change materials

Energy Conversion, Metallurgy

Peer SchmidtBTU Cottbus-SenftenbergPCM screening: the search for latent heat storage materials
Dmitry SergeevJülich Research CenterPCM Screening: High Temperature Phase Change Materials
Piotr PlazaStuttgart UniversityDevelopment of Slagging/Fouling Prediction Tool for Large Scale Boilers Fired with Coal Blends
Markus ReinmöllerTU Bergakademie FreibergThermochemical modeling of the ash behavior of coals and biomasses/waste materials for co-utilization
Matthias DohrnRWE Power AGThermochemical calculation of solid fuels with SimuSage
Johan van DykAfrican Carbon EnergyImportance of mineral matter simulation and understanding in gasifier technology selection
Thorsten TonnesenRWTH Aachen UniversityExamination of the Corrosion Resistance of Calcium Hexaaluminate Based Low Cement Castables Against Biomass Slag
Tatjana JantzenGTT-TechnologiesOn the addition of Vanadium to GTOx
Lotte De VosGhent UniversityInvestigation of convertor slag properties and their influence on steel refining by means of thermodynamic modelling with FactSage and ChemApp
Tatsuro IzumiUbe IndustriesSteel making analysis and comparison with actual operation data
Sabrine KhadhraouiSMS GroupThe importance of computational thermodynamics in process modelling and control: The oxygen converter as an example (BOF DePhos)
Sander ArnoutInsPyroReactive gas injection in metallurgy: where’s the limit?
Pertti KoukkariVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LtdComparing Mechanistic and Thermochemical Modelling of Reaction Rate-Controlled Multiphase Systems: Simulation of the Titanium(IV)Chloride Oxidiser
Moritz to Baben GTT-TechnologiesScanning chemical compound space for radically new processing solutions: de-bismuthizing lead


Keke ChangNingbo Institute of Industrial TechnologyStudy of metastable phase formation for sputtered thin films
Tanai MarinM4DynamicsApplications of ChemApp in Multiphysics and Discrete Event Simulations
Johan ZietsmanEx MenteChemAppPy Friendly Case Studies: A journey through accelerated large-scale thermochemical investigations
Ève BélislePolytechnique MontréalFact-Web: the online version of the FactSage Software
Jean-Philippe HarveyPolytechnique MontréalExploration of new low-cost first-generation high entropy alloys using FactSage
Guixuan WuGTT-TechnologiesCurrent state of the Viscosity Calculator
Stephan PetersenGTT-TechnologiesChemApp, SimuSage, ChemSheet: Current Developments
Moritz to BabenGTT-TechnologiesFactSage 7.3


Klaus Hack, Moritz to BabenGTT-TechnologiesOpening remarks
Risto PajarreVTT Technical Research Centre FinlandAdditional constraints and work terms in Gibbs energy minimisation with ChemApp and ChemSheet

Klaus HackGTT-TechnologiesThermochemical Modelling in the BOFdePhos Project

Sabrine KhadhraouiSMS GroupBOF DePhos part II: Experimental investigation of the kinetics of the converter process and their relevance to multi-zone-models

Van BohemenTata SteelPredicting the Ms temperature of steels with a thermodynamic based model including the effect of the prior austenite grain size

William MaoTU DelftPreferential oxidation in steels

Michael AuingerWarwick UniversityCorrosion of alloys at high temperatures – Synergies between experiment and thermodynamic modelling using ChemApp
Axel KranzmannBAM BerlinComparison of equilibrium calculations and real corrosion scales. Useless or necessary?

Andreas LennartssonLuleå UniversityApplication of FactSage in education within Process Metallurgy at Luleå University of Technology

Klaus HackGTT-TechnologiesThe GTT-Oxides database

Elena YazhenskikhJülich Research CenterDatabase development for the HotVeGas project

Tatjana JantzenGTT-TechnologiesAddition of Titanium oxides to the GTT-Oxides database

Guixuan WuJülich Research CenterModelling Viscosity of Molten Oxides (HotVeGas Part III)

Sören SeeboldJülich Research CenterAbout the Influence of Crystallization onto the Flow Behavior of Oxide Melts
Matthias DohrnJülich Research CenterModelling of coal combustion with SimuSage within the VerSi Project

Johan van DykAfrican Carbon EnergyThermo chemical
simulation of a coal gasification process

Andy WatsonSGTEChallenges in the development of large thermodynamic databases

Georg HuhsCentro Nacional de Supercomputacion, BarcelonaThe NOMAD Encyclopedia: Getting access to millions of calculated materials properties

Moritz to BabenGTT-TechnologiesThermodynamic database development based on ab initio calculations: challenges and opportunities

Keke ChangRWTH AachenPhase stability and elastic properties of metallic solid solution phases by Calphad and ab initio calculations
Sida LiuRWTH AachenThermodynamic description and experimental investigation of nitrides
Michael SchickGTT-TechnologiesThe GTT-Aluminum database

Thiemo BrüggemannHydro AluminiumThrough-process multiscale modelling of Aluminum sheet production
Elisa CapelliDelft University of TechnologyThermochemistry of fuel, fission products and corrosion products in Molten Salt Reactor

Rainer BackmanUmeå UniversityPredictions of slag formation, flow behaviour, and refractory interactions during pressurised entrained-flow gasification of biomass/peat mixtures

Bruno ReisGTT-TechnologiesGTT-Technologies contributions to the „Energiewende“: The Düsol and PCM projects

Sander ArnoutInsPyroApplications of thermodynamics in rare earth recycling research

Markus ReuterHelmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource TechnologyDigitalizing the Circular Economy

Rainer Schmid-FetzerTU ClausthalMagnesium alloys and oxygen
Hans SeifertKarlsruhe Institute of TechnologyThermodynamics of Lithium Batteries – The DFG Priority Programme “WeNDeLIB”

Johan ZietsmanEx MenteFriendly analysis, visualisation and modelling with ChemApp and Python
Stephan PetersenGTT-TechnologiesChemApp, SimuSage, ChemSheet: Current developments
Moritz to BabenGTT-TechnologiesFactSage 7.2


B. FriedrichThe BiRec Project, coming soon

M. FalterIndustrial production of YBCO high temperature superconducting tapes

K. ChangThermodynamic dataset of electrode materials in lithium ion batteries

M. to BabenThermodynamics of thin films

K. ChangModeling of metastable phase formation diagrams for sputtered thin films

M. DohrnExperimental investigations of coal ashes for the VerSi Project

K. HackA database and a multi-stage SimuSage Model for the investigation of deposit formation in coal fired power plants (VerSi)

B. RisioCFD Modelling of Power Station Boilers for the VerSi Project

S. ArnoutThe importance of thermodynamics for business intelligence tools

T. JantzenAddition of Cerium and Cesium to a database for B2O3-FeOx-UOx-ZrO2

E. YazhenzkikhDatabase development for the HotVeGas project, Part I

G. WuModelling viscosity of molten oxides , HotVeGas Part II

J. RöthigThe Practical Side of the Project WnM

M. to BabenPhase Diagrams and Phase Distribution Diagrams for the WnM Project

K. JahnsExperimental Phase Investigations for the WnM Project

R. KemsiesCalorimetry on pure substances and complex non-equilibrium Al-systems

M. AfsharExperimental investigations and modelling of phase transformations
M. SchickData assessments for the ALLEE Project

D. SergeevCalorimetric investigations in multi-component salt systems

T. IzumiSimulation for burning process of magnesia clinker
B. DerinSome Computational Studies on Steelmaking Processes by FactSage
F. DefoortUsing FactSage to study the behavior of inorganic matter in thermal conversion of biomass

J. ZietsmanAccelerating Thermochemical Equilibrium Calculations for Multiphysics Modelling Applications

A. DonchevThe fluorine effect for the high temperature oxidation protection of Ti-based alloys: A thermodynamic approach

A. PaulPractical Applications of FactSage at VOEST Donawitz

S. PetersenA model for prediction of precipitate formation during steel making

K. HackVarious thermochemical aspects of the BOFdePhos project

J. ZietsmanA Python interface for ChemApp

K. PentilläChemSheet application modelling

M. to BabenScheil phase formation diagrams in FactSage 7.1


B. DerinUniversity Based Research Studies aided by Factsage

F. GreffrathInvestigation of oxide systems by aero-acoustic levitation

S. BabatInvestigation of deposit formation and its characterisation for a pulverised bituminous coal
R. Obenaus-EmlerCFD-Simulation of natural gas combustion and its application to tunnel kiln firing

B. BulfinRecovering Solar Energy by a Thermochemical Cycle Process

S. ArnoutRecovery of phosphorus from sewage sludge ash

M. SuzukiThermodynamic Databases Development in the System U-Zr-Ce-Cs-Fe-B-C-I-O-H and Its Application to Simulating Phase Equilibria in Multicomponent Debris in Nuclear Accidents
B. ReisA Thermodynamic model for the Waelz Kiln

J.C. van DykValue of thermodynamic equilibrium simulations in underground coal gasification and other coal conversion technologies

E. YashenzkikhDatabase development for the HotVeGas project, Part I

T. JantzenDatabase development for the HotVeGas project, Part II

G. WuModelling viscosity of molten oxides (HotVeGas)

W. BielefeldtA study on slag viscosities in secondary steel making

M. ReinmöllerSlag-induced corrosion of chromium oxide-free refractory materials under simulated gasification conditions: a multi-step modeling approach using FactSage

A. PischChlorine in Clinker

D. SergeevExperimental investigations and data assessment for the system Na,K // Cl, NO3

P. KangasApplications of the constrained Gibbs energy method in modelling thermal biomass conversion

R. WarneckeThermochemical aspects of waste incineration

T. SchreckSimuSage based simulation of a coal fired boiler

T. JantzenDevelopment of a sulphide database for SGTE

S. Martinez de PuenteProduction of thick walled castings in duplex stainless steels using equilibrium phase calculations

M. AuingerThe role of Oxygen and Hydrogen in Steel Processing

T. IzumiStudy on energy-saving operation of electric furnace steel manufacturing

M. SchlautmannDynamic on-line monitoring and end-point control of dephosphorisation in the BOF converter process

E. JipnangSimuSage Modelling for BOFdePhos, Part I

P. MonheimSimuSage Modelling for BOFdePhos, Part II

K. HackPresent State of the BOFdePhos database


S. LouhenkilpiIDS – Solidification Analysis Package for Steels

H. SarriegiComputational Thermodynamics Coupled Macro-Microscale, Modelling of Industrial Castings

A. LoefflerSimulating mushy zone resolidification for multiphase and multicomponent alloys using ChemApp

L. ZhangThermodynamic database development of the Al2O3 -CaO-SiO2-M2O (M=K, Na) systems

T. JantzenIncorporation of MnOx as well as Sulphur into the HotVeGas Oxide database

E. YazhenskikhIncluding SO3 into the HotVeGas Oxide database

K. DöneckeCombined modelling and experimental study on the alkali phosphates

G. WuFurther progress in modelling slag viscosities on the basis of the HotVeGas Oxide database

V. MohlesThe Allee project – Linking thermodynamics and diffusion with materials properties

J. Van DykApplying Thermo 350M underground – a FactSage equilibrium study for underground coal gasification

O. Almpanis-LekkasDevelopment of a multizone melter-gasifier model in gPROMS with ChemApp multicomponent/multiphase equilibrium calculations

D. FriedmannSelected fields of application for FactSage-Modelling in nonferrous metallurgy

S. ArnoutModelling of non-ferrous processes and the importance of the gas phase

M. AuingerUnderstanding localised corrosion phenomena by using the synergies of thermodynamics and diffusion

U. KruppModelling Internal Corrosion of High Temperature Alloys

R. PajarreConstrained and generalized Free energy models using ChemSheet

T. SchreckThermochemical modelling of a coal fired boiler

T. IzumiSimulation Analysis for Clinker Manufacturing Process and Support of Resolving Production

D. CupidThermodynamic Modelling and Experiments in Systems Evaluated in the WENDELIB priority program for Li-ons batteries

R. KoningsMolten Salt Reactor fuel: experiments and assessments on metal fluoride phase diagrams

M. SchickOdd data behaviour in the SGTE Solution database

S. Petersen, B. ReisImplementing SimuSage into the LAZARUS environment

K. HackNews about FactSage Version 7.0


M. SchickThe data clearing house in the WENDELIB Li-battery project

T. MarkusThermochemical investigations, data determination, and FactSage calculations for Li-ion batteries
D. CupidThermodynamic assessments of systems evaluated in the WENDELIB priority program for Li-ion batteries

M. YokotaDevelopment of New Advanced Simulation Technology for Cement Making Process
A. PischThe use of Calphad Thermodynamics in Building Materials Industry
H. MoogTHEREDA Database Project: Extensions of the Pitzer database with respect to phosphate, alkaline earth metal sulphates, heavy metals, and fission products – first results

T. JantzenAddition of MeS and MnOx to the GTOx database

E. YazhenskikhIncorporation of P2O5 into the oxide core database with Al, Si, Ca and Mg

G. WuUse of the Oxide database in modelling of multi-component slag viscosities

W. BielefeldtThermodynamic evaluation of the slag system CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3

P. YanSlag-steel-inclusions interaction focusing on the steel cleanliness

P. KurowskiSlag modelling based on coal ash compositions

R. MarroHigh temperature combustion of biomass in an entrained flow reactor

A. StephanEquilibrium calculations for sulphate reactions in biomass combustion

P. KangasModelling the super-equilibrium of sodium, potassium, sulphur and chlorine in the recovery boiler fume

T. SchreckCoal Ash behaviour in a Power Plant

A. LennartssonMinor elements in copper converting

S. ArnoutModelling lead recycling processes

M. AuingerPhase Diagrams with FactSage – Speaking different Languages for Thermochemical Properties

S. PetersenCurrent development work on ChemApp and SimuSage
K. HackThe new Hard Metals database by Spencer Group, News on FactSage


Gunnar Eriksson Symposium

H.-J. SeifertThermodynamics of Lithium Battery Materials
D. LindbergThermodynamic Modeling of Biomass Combustion and Ash Chemistry Applications
J. PötschkeConsequences of Humid Refractories in Vacuum Metallurgy
P. SchellerModification of Inclusion Composition in Steel During Secondary Metallurgical Ladle Treatment -A Comprehensive Process Simulation Model
P. J. SpencerFrom Solgas to FactSage 6.3 – A Tribute to Gunnar Eriksson
P. J. SpencerThe Gunnar Eriksson Saga – A Tribute to Gunnar Eriksson

Users’ Meeting

G. WuCoupling Gibbs Energy and Viscosity Modelling

B. BjörkmanApplication of FactSage and SimuSage Calculations in Research and Education within Process Metallurgy at Luleå University of Technology
D. RzehakAccelerated Vacuum Decarburization of Molten Steel by Combination of Oxygen and Metal Oxides

W. V. BielefeldtStudy of Formation and Modification of Inclusions in Al-Killed Ca-Treated Steel

T. JantzenAddition of CaF2 and P2O5 to the Thermodynamic Database for CaO-MgO-Al2O3-CrOx-FeOx-SiO2 System

S. ArnoutPhosphorus in Slag and Modelling of the RecoPhos Process

S. GuhlThermodynamic Modelling of the Behaviour of Mineral Matter in the BGL-Gasification Process

P. KoukkariUse of ChemSheet and KilnSimu for Material and Energy Saving Processes

M. YokotaInnovative Fundamental Technology Development for Cement Making in Japan

A. KaiserExperimental Determination of Phase-Equilibria and Thermo-Physical Properties at Temperatures up to 3000°C by Aerodynamic-Acoustic Levitation

A. PischPhase Equilibria and Thermodynamics in the CaO-Al2O3-B2O3 Ternary System in Air
T. SchreckThermochemical Qualification of Rheinisch Lignite Used for Coal Dust-fired Boilers

M. AuingerInternal Oxidation and Nitridation of Hot Rolled Steels – A Theoretical Study and its Experimental Verification
R. EmlerStarting from the Local Equilibrium or Coming from the Fluid Dynamic End: A Comparison of Methodologies in Process Modeling

S. KhadhraouiUsage of Thermochemical Calculations in SMS Siemag AG

T. MarkusExperimental Investigation of Thermochemical Data for Li-Based Systems Relevant for Battery Applications
A. DinsdaleThermodynamic Databases for Lead Free Solders

K. HackThe THEREDA Database Project and the Use of its Data in ChemApp and ChemSheet

G. ErikssonCalculation and Interpretation of Projections of the Temperature of First Melting
S. PetersenFact-Function-Builder & FactOptimal in FactSage 6.3


M. AuingerGrain Boundary Oxidation Processes and High Temperature Corrosion

M. BäckerProduction of High Temperature Superconducting Tapes enhanced by Computational Thermochemistry
P. DrozdzSimulation of Deoxidation and Refining Process Using SimuSage

B. GorrAn Extension of the Data-file for the System Co-Re-Cr-C-O: Sourced and Restrictions of the Application

K. HackSome new and useful features of FactSage

J. HeulensPhase Field Modeling of Isothermal Slag Crystallization Using FACT Databases

T. JantzenProgress in data assessments for the HotVegas project

E. JipnangIndustrial Application of SimuSage for Metallurgical Processes Simulation

Y. KangThermodynamic Databases and Their Applications for Sulfur Control in Steelmaking

B. KlaasenExergetic efficiency analysis of a pyrometallurgical zinc recycling process

P. KoukkariFrom Pyro to Bio: Applications of the Constrained Gibbs Energy Method

T. MarkusInvestigations of Degradation Phenomena in High Temperature DischargeLamps using Thermochemical Modelling

H. MoogTHEREDA – The Thermodynamic Reference Database for Nuclear Waste Disposal in Germany

Y. NaganoThermodynamic Software in Japanese Market

R. NaraparajuCorrKin – Simulating the Growth of Corrosion Layers

M. RettenmayrSolKin – Computer Program Simulating the Evolution of Concentration Distributions and Microstructural Features During Solidification of Multicomponent Aluminum Alloys
T. TanakaCollaboration between Osaka University and GTT Some examples of Calculation for Material Processing at High Temp. by the FactSage Family
R. VomhofNew Material Design Leads to an Other Casting Quality – Solidification, Stress, Mechanical Properties

E. YazhenskikhThermodynamic Optimisation of the System Al2O3-K2O-Na2O-SiO2


M. AuingerGrain Boundary Oxidation Processes and High Temperature Corrosion

M. BäckerProduction of High Temperature Superconducting Tapes enhanced by Computational Thermochemistry
P. DrozdzSimulation of Deoxidation and Refining Process Using SimuSage

B. GorrAn Extension of the Data-file for the System Co-Re-Cr-C-O: Sourced and Restrictions of the Application

K. HackSome new and useful features of FactSage

J. HeulensPhase Field Modeling of Isothermal Slag Crystallization Using FACT Databases

T. JantzenProgress in data assessments for the HotVegas project

E. JipnangIndustrial Application of SimuSage for Metallurgical Processes Simulation

Y. KangThermodynamic Databases and Their Applications for Sulfur Control in Steelmaking

B. KlaasenExergetic efficiency analysis of a pyrometallurgical zinc recycling process

P. KoukkariFrom Pyro to Bio: Applications of the Constrained Gibbs Energy Method

T. MarkusInvestigations of Degradation Phenomena in High Temperature DischargeLamps using Thermochemical Modelling

H. MoogTHEREDA – The Thermodynamic Reference Database for Nuclear Waste Disposal in Germany

Y. NaganoThermodynamic Software in Japanese Market

R. NaraparajuCorrKin – Simulating the Growth of Corrosion Layers

M. RettenmayrSolKin – Computer Program Simulating the Evolution of Concentration Distributions and Microstructural Features During Solidification of Multicomponent Aluminum Alloys
T. TanakaCollaboration between Osaka University and GTT Some examples of Calculation for Material Processing at High Temp. by the FactSage Family
R. VomhofNew Material Design Leads to an Other Casting Quality – Solidification, Stress, Mechanical Properties

E. YazhenskikhThermodynamic Optimisation of the System Al2O3-K2O-Na2O-SiO2


S. ArnoutPhase Relations in Stainless Steel Slags

R. EmlerPrediction of the volatile recirculation in cement rotary kilns by means of process simulation

S. EnestamSTEAMAX – A novel approach for corrosion prediction, material selection and optimization of steam parameters for combustion of bio and waste derived fuels and fuel mixtures
S. FischerSimulation of Wall Corrosion of High-Energy-Discharge Lamps

Z. LiuPrediction of the precipitation kinetics in the recycled Aluminum Alloy with ClaNG model

M. RettenmayrSolidification and melting – asymmetries and consequences

M. SchickMeasurement and Simulation of Surface Tension of Liquid Steels

R. Stoffelab initio Thermochemistry

J. van DykThe Use of Thermo-Equilibrium Simulation (FactSage) for Inorganic Mineral Matter Transformation in Gasification Value Addition to Coal and Gasification Research

E. YazhenskikhThermodynamic optimisation of the systems K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 and Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2

J. ZietsmanIntegrating Thermochemistry into the Plant with Ex Mente ProcessSolution

D. SaulovSoftware for Calculating Viscosities of Molten Oxides

D. SaulovA fully consistent approach for an associate solution model

K. UebelPresentation of the research-project ‘HotVeGas’ and coupling of ChemApp© with OpenFOAM®


U. DahlmannFactSage @ SCHOTT – Chemical Interaction Along the Process Line of Glass Production
I. AmamotoUse of Thermodynamic Simulation for Preliminary Study on Electrolyte Recycle Process by Phosphate Conversion Technique

J. van DykViscosity Predictions of the Slag Compositions of Gasified Coal, Utilizing FactSage Equilibrium Modelling

P. DrozdzModelling of Argon Process Refining Based on Equilibrium State Analysis of Metal Bath – Slag Reactions and Tank Model Theory

R. GroßterlindenUsing Computational Thermochemistry in a Steelmaking Environment

S. WenzelA Thermochemical Model of a Reforming Process Using Hydrocarbon Fuels, which is Included in a Fuel Cell System

B.DerinUniversity Based Research Studies Aided by FactSage Simulation Program

S. MartensCoupling of Thermodynamic Equilibrium Libraries with a Multidimensional CFD Solver – Application and Potential

R. KoningsA Thermodynamic Database for Salt Systems in Nuclear Applications

A. DinsdaleA Thermodynamic Database for Solder Systems

T. MarkusExperimental Determination of Thermodynamic Properties

R. Stoffelab initio Computational Materials Science

E. YazhenzkikhThermochemical Assessments for Alkali-containing Oxide Systems with Silica and Alumina

T. TanakaNeural Network Approach to Slag Viscosity / SlagVis

A. KondratievOn the Thermochemical Modelling of Viscosities of Liquid Oxide Mixtures

I. EgryMeasuring Surface Tension of Liquid Metals Using Levitation Melt Methods

C. HonselThe Need for Thermochemical and Thermophysical Property Data in the Modelling of Casting Processes

T. GinsbergGeneral Considerations for Process Modelling on a Thermochemical Basis

M. SpiegelCorrosion of Heat Exchanger Materials

R. NaraparajuInCorr for Windows – A new software for simulating corrosion phenomena

B. BlanpainChemApp as a Tool to Study Pyrometallurgical Processes: K.U. Leuven Examples and Perspectives

C. WeberEstimation of Corrosion Risks Caused by Alkali-Species in Oxyfuel Processes

O. EnglerThe Use of Computer Simulation of the Microstructure of Al-Alloys in Industrial Practice

R. PajarreCalculation of Solidification of Steels Under Back-diffusion Conditions Using ChemSheet

M. RettenmayrScheil or Lever Rule? – Modelling the Kinetics of Solidification

M. XieAdvances in Modelling Salt Stock Deposition of Nuclear Wastes

S. LachmannFormation and Modification of Non-metallic Inclusions Through Slags During Ladle Treatment

S. PetersenCurrent ChemApp Projects

S. GuhlUsing SimuSage for The Modelling of Diverse Processes in Energy Conversion

R. EmlerDynamic Programming Using the SimuSage Component Library and its Application to the Simulation of the Cement Clinker Burner Process


A. PischThermochemical Assessments of Multi-component Salt Systems

E. YazhenskikhThermochemical Assessments of Alkali Oxide – Al2O3 – SiO2 Systems

H. MoogTransport Model for the Behaviour of Nuclear Wastes in Salt Stocks

S. FischerChemical Transport in High Intensity Discharge Lamps

M. YokotaThermochemical Process Modelling of a Cement Plant

W. Van WassenhoveImprovements of the ASPEN Plus – ChemApp – FactSage Interface

R. BackmanModelling the Cement Process

E. JannotThe ClaNG+ Project – Modelling Microstructure of Al-Recycling Alloys

M. RettenmayrModelling Microstructure on Solidification

K. WeißCoupling Thermochemistry to Classical Soldification Modelling

A. BimüllerThermochemical Aspects of Waste Treatment

E. WoermannThermochemistry of Geothermal Waters – The Black Smoker Environment

R. PajarreA Thermochemical Approach to Thermophysical Properties – Modelling Surface and Interfacial Tension of Liquids

P. DrozdzMetallurgical Applications of FactSage

S. ArnoutModelling and Experiments Pertaining to Stainless Steel Making

A. KaiserCeramic and Refractory Applications of FactSage

W. KhanSpeeding up ChemApp by Parallel Processing

J. van DykMineral Matter Transformation During Sasol-Lurgi Fixed Bed Dry Bottom Gasification – Utilization of HT-XRD and FactSage Modelling

K. Hack3D-Phase Diagrams – The Next Step Towards a New Interactive Tool


M. MuhammadiehThermochemical modelling of the combustion of Rheinland lignite coal (Application of SimuSage)

M. WeghausCFD simulation of chloride-containing flue dust in waste incinerators by coupling ChemApp and CFX

N. JonesThe application of ChemApp in steelmaking process models

K. VerweijGas reduction in FactSage – influence of reductant and pressure on reduction of FeOx

J.-C. StoephasiusKinetics of the calcium-evaporation from active CaF2-slags during pressure electro slag remelting

S. GorrCoupling diffusion and local equilibrium in modelling oxidation, nitridation and carburisation

K. PentilläChemSheet as a process modelling tool – case studies

K. WeissModelling casting processes coupled with thermochemistry

K. PenttiläThe concept and use of BALAS

K. PenttiläThe concept and use of KilnSimu

K. PenttiläLinking FLUENT and ChemApp for the simulation of a stirred water tank