
Because of its high degree of user-friendliness FactSage provides the proverbial fingertip access to Computational Thermochemistry. A regular upgrade schedule ensures that new technical and user friendly interface features are added.

FactSage™, one of the largest fully integrated database computing systems in chemical thermodynamics in the world, was introduced in 2001 and is the fusion of the FACT-Win/F*A*C*T and ChemSage/SOLGASMIX thermochemical packages. FactSage is the result of over 20 years of collaborative efforts between Thermfact/CRCT (Montreal, Canada) and GTT-Technologies (Aachen, Germany).

The calculation features of FactSage are used in diverse ranges of applications and provide a flexible platform for the solution of complex thermochemical problems. FactSage is extensively used all over the world. You can find a list of some users here.

The thermodynamic databases integrated in FactSage are based on CalPhaD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) assessments and span the entire chemical space from oxides to metallic alloys or aqueous solutions. CalPhaD is today a mature methodology and by using FactSage you can take advantage of one of the largest CalPhaD software packages in the world.

We regularly conduct training courses for FactSage for both beginners and advanced users. Our courses can also be customized according to your requirements and can be held either at GTT-Technologies or at your own premises. Please subscribe to our newsletter for information on upcoming training courses and other updates.  It is also possible to learn how to use FactSage by the FactSage-Teach self-tuition package.

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If you are unsure whether FactSage can offer a solution to your specific problem, please contact us!

Bale, CW, Bélisle, E, Chartrand, P, Decterov, SA, Eriksson, G, Hack, K, Jung, IH, Kang, YB, Melançon, J, Pelton, DA, Robelin, C, Petersen, S: FactSage thermochemical software and databases — recent developments. Calphad 33, 295 (2009).