
Constructing a Blast Furnace Diagram with FactSage – Part IV

In order to reduce the CO2 emissions caused by the iron & steel industry, there have been initiatives in the last decades to substitute reductants based on carbon by the use of H2 as a reducing agent. These initiatives go from the direct injection of H2 at the tuyeres of the blast furnace [1, 2] […]

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Constructing a Blast Furnace Diagram with FactSage – Part III

In the 3rd blog post of this series related to the Blast Furnace Diagram, we at first consider the effect of including the metallic phases as solution phases instead of considering them as pure compounds, like we already did for the oxides. Then, we show how the total pressure will affect the diagram, in special

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Constructing a Blast Furnace Diagram with FactSage – Part II

In the second blog post of this series related to the Blast Furnace Diagram, we explore some variations of the diagram constructed in the first blog post, while sticking to carbon as the only reducing agent in the system. This blog post was written in collaboration with Klaus Hack. The first diagram that we will

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Constructing a Blast Furnace Diagram with FactSage 8.2

The so-called blast-furnace diagram describes which phases are stable in the different regions of the blast furnace, depending on the conditions of temperature and of the atmosphere inside the furnace[1]. It is basically a phase diagram, where the volume fraction of CO is represented on the X-axis and the temperature is represented on the Y-axis,

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FactSage 8.2 release

We are happy to inform you that the most recent update of FactSage, version 8.2, has recently been delivered to our customers. In this version, we improved the capability of some important calculation modules and also introduced a new app for the assessment of Gibbs energy functions! Many of the standard databases have been significantly

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What is the difference between Fact Pure Substances and SGPS databases?

difference between FactSage and SGPS on the periodic table

I have been asked by a potential customer: “Do I need the Fact Pure Substances or SGTE Pure Substances database?” The answer is: It depends. The two databases are both collections of (normally published) thermochemical data. The Fact Pure Substances database FactPS is maintained by our co-developer of FactSage, Thermfact/CRCT, Polytechnique Montreal. It is generally

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