João Rezende

Congratulations to Gunnar Eriksson on the 50 years anniversary of his publication on SOLGAS

In Acta Chemica Scandinavica Gunnar Eriksson published a series of publications which culminated in 1971 in the third paper titled SOLGAS, a Computer Program for Calculating the Composition and Heat Condition of an Equilibrium Mixture. [1] In the abstract he stated: “A computer program named SOLGAS is described. SOLGAS is a program for calculating equilibrium

Congratulations to Gunnar Eriksson on the 50 years anniversary of his publication on SOLGAS Read More »

SimuSage at work

In connection with the Industry 4.0 initiative, tools for process simulation and process optimization are recently gaining in importance. In the context of metallurgy, its digitalization will work as an enabler of the „circular economy“ [1], by a combination of fundamentally-based process models, artificial intelligence, big data approaches and last by not least, guided by

SimuSage at work Read More »

A SimuSage Process Model for the Oxidative Stage of the TSL Process

In recent years, there has been a continuous societal and industrial effort to promote the so-called „circular economy“. According to this paradigm, for producing engineering materials in general, and metals and alloys in particular, the chemical elements which are presently necessary in our economy should not be extracted from the so-called primary ores but instead

A SimuSage Process Model for the Oxidative Stage of the TSL Process Read More »

FactSage online self-learning videos

Prof. In-Ho Jung from Seoul National University, our colleague and FactSage co-developer, gave a FactSage Workshop during the conference MOLTEN 2021. This workshop included self-learning videos which are freely available online via his website:  MOLTEN2021-FactSageWorkshop-HTTL The following topics were covered in the workshop: Thermodynamic Database Development Ferrous Pyrometallurgy Alloy Design Macro Processing It is an

FactSage online self-learning videos Read More »

A Simusage Process Model for the Iron Blast Furnace

Harvey and Gheribi[1] developed a thermochemistry-based model for the iron blast furnace. In their work, the corresponding process model was developed with a flowsheeting approach based on the connected local equilibrium reactors method, which was implemented using SimuSage, one of the very successful members the GTT’s product family. The model was constructed based on the

A Simusage Process Model for the Iron Blast Furnace Read More »

How do I find out if (and where) a certain substance is included in a thermochemical database?

Sometime ago a customer asked me how to find out if Ca2SiO4 is included in a certain database. Since the answer to this question can be really useful for customers in general, I decided to write this blog on the subject. We will define a substance with a defined chemical composition as a chemical species.

How do I find out if (and where) a certain substance is included in a thermochemical database? Read More »