FactSage™ - http://www.factsage.com - one of the largest fully integrated database computing systems in chemical thermodynamics in the world, was introduced in 2001 and is the fusion of the FACT-Win/F*A*C*T and ChemSage/SOLGASMIX thermochemical packages. FactSage is the result of over 20 years of collaborative efforts between Thermfact/CRCT (Montreal, Canada) and GTT-Technologies (Aachen, Germany).
Because of its high degree of user-friendliness, FactSage provides the proverbial fingertip access to Computational Thermochemistry. A regular upgrade schedule ensures that new technical and user friendly interface features are added.
The calculation features of FactSage are used in diverse areas of applications and provide a flexible platform for the solution of complex thermochemical problems. FactSage is extensively used all over the world.
The thermodynamic databases integrated in FactSage are based on CalPhaD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) assessments and span the entire chemical space from oxides to metallic alloys or aqueous systems.
We regularly conduct training courses for FactSage for both beginners and advanced users. Our courses can also be customized according to your requirements and can be held either at GTT-Technologies or at your own premises. Please subscribe to our newsletter for information on upcoming training courses and other updates. It is also possible to learn how to use FactSage by the FactSage-Teach self-tuition package.
Bale, C.W., Bélisle, E., Chartrand, P., Decterov, S.A., Eriksson, G., Gheribi, A.E., Hack, K., Jung, I.H., Kang, Y.B., Melançon, J., Pelton, A.D., Petersen, S., Robelin, C., Sangster, J., Spencer, P., Van Ende, M.A.: FactSage thermochemical software and databases, 2010-2016. Calphad 54, 35 (2016).
Applications of FactSage
FactSage has a very broad range of applications, both in the industry and in the academia. It can be used to calculate complex phase equilibria in many systems of interest consisting of a mixture of inorganic substances reacting with each other. This includes oxides and metallic solid phases, aqueous solutions and different types of liquid and gaseous phases. It is the ideal tool for the calculation of high temperature phase equilibria which are relevant for the metallurgical and ceramic industry.
In addition to the calculation of phase equilibria and phase diagrams, it is also possible to simulate the dynamics of reactors or processes by using FactSage.
We divide the main application areas for FactSage in four major groups:
It may be that you wish to design a new material with a certain crystallographic structure or possessing specific chemical, physical, mechanical or electromagnetic properties. Once FactSage can predict which phase forms under specific conditions, one is able to design new materials, i.e. to define the proper ranges for the contents of the different chemical elements, by using FactSage.
Blog posts in the application area "Alloy & Material Design"
A material is not defined only through its chemical composition, but its properties will very much depend on the processing conditions, which in their turn define the details of its microstructure. The same material, in what concerns its chemical composition, may have completely different properties depending on its microstructure. This must include also the consideration of kinetic constrained states and metastable materials. Whenever a material should be optimized by engineering its microstructure, FactSage can be efficiently used as a tool with this objective.
Blog posts in the application area "Microstructure Control"
In the broad area of metallurgical processes, one aims to extract a metal from its corresponding mineral or to refine an impure melt through a variety of methods. This includes pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical or electrometallurgical procedures. In many cases, an analogous process applies also to other industries, e.g. to the ceramic industry.
In these situations, one is dealing with complex multiphase/multicomponent equilibria, involving gaseous, liquid and solid solution phases. FactSage can simulate the equilibrium in such systems and can also take kinetics into account by using a combination of streams and unit operations in the scope of a flow-sheeting approach.
Blog posts in the application area "Process Metallurgy"
The area of energy generation and conversion has a strong affinity to the broad area of metallurgy, in special to pyrometallurgy. The gasification of all kinds of carbon-containing materials, ranging from coal to biomass can be investigated with FactSage. Also the combustion of different kinds of fuels and of industrial or domestic waste should be optimized for environmental reasons and this optimization can be performed with the help of FactSage.
Blog posts in the application area "Energy"
FactSage Features
Because of its high degree of user-friendliness FactSage provides the proverbial fingertip access to Computational Thermochemistry. After a training period of two to three days, a new user will be able to do standard calculations. Training courses can be arranged at GTT-Technologies or at your own premises. Extensive documentation including many examples from diverse fields of applications makes it easy for new users to develop the calculation skills. Check out the examples of our two most popular modules: the Equilib module and the Phase Diagram module!
Blog posts related to the equilib module of FactSage
Blog posts related to the phase diagram module of FactSage
Blog posts related to the calphad optimizer module of FactSage
Blog posts related to ChemApp in FactSage
A regular upgrade schedule ensures that new technical and user-friendly interface features are continually added. We also organize a yearly user meeting at GTT-Technologies where users can learn from other users – and we from our customers!
In addition to the traditional live training courses that our specialists give on FactSage, we offer also a series of D-I-Y tools for you to learn how to use FactSage at your own personal computer. FactSage-Edu is a free software package to try out. You may download it here. FactSage-Teach is a course on the FactSage Software. The table-of-contents of and some examples from the corresponding book, which serves as a basis for the lessons of our FactSage training courses, can be found here.
We regularly offer an open online FactSage course. More information can be found here.
We also regularly offer an open course on our own tool for thermochemical database development, Calphad Optimizer. More information can be found here.
FactSage - System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements:
Equivalent to the minimum system requirements for running Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.
Recommended System Requirements:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 or above
CPU: Intel Core i5 (or an equivalent AMD processor) or better
RAM: 16 GB or more
Storage: 7200 RPM or better HDD or SSD
Latest Version
Please find the description to the latest version in the following link: http://www.factsage.com/fs83_news.htm