The International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry CALPHAD took place from 26 to 31 May in Mannheim, Germany. Of course, we at GTT didn't want to miss out!
GTT-Technologies CEO Moritz to Baben and software expert Florian Tang, together with Bengt Hallstedt from RWTH Aachen University, organised the pre-conference workshop "Software tools to ensure CALPHAD assessment quality" on Sunday. Many thanks to all participants for their very interesting insights and thoughts on what standard practices of CALPHADians should be made easy by software in order to ensure good CALPHAD assessment quality.

Moritz to Baben as chair for the "Additive Manufacturing" session.

Klaus Hack at the poster session on Monday.

Florian Tang, Cassie Früh, Moritz to Baben and Bruno Reis with the GTT stand.
Calphad Optimizer: SQL insights on refining, ML, and quality metrics
Bruno Reis, co-developer of the Calphad Optimizer software at GTT, presented the quality gains in Calphad optimizations by taking advantage of the integrated SQL database for tracking progress in FactSage's Calphad Optimizer module. This integration not only facilitates detailed analysis of optimization histories, but also provides a valuable level of visibility into the optimization process, a significant step beyond simple error vs. iteration plots that provide limited insight.

This integration not only facilitates detailed analysis of optimization histories, but also provides a valuable level of visibility into the optimization process, a significant step beyond simple error vs. iteration plots that provide limited insight. Download the presentation file here.

Posters from GTT-Technologies
The poster contributions are available for download here:
Automated Calphad Optimizer workflow
C. Früh, P. Keuter, F. Tang, B. Reis, M. to Baben
GTT-Technologies, Herzogenrath, Germany
Assessment of the Gibbs energies of Perovskites in the system Ca-Mn-Sr-O using the Calphad Optimizer (CO)
T. Jantzen1, S. Petersen1, K. Hack1, B. Reis1, D. Guban2, L. Klaas2
1 GTT-Technologies, Herzogenrath, Germany; 2 German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany
Data-centric detection of compounds containing wrong data in large Calphad databases
M. to Baben, C. Aras
GTT-Technologies, Herzogenrath, Germany
XMLTDB in FactSage Calphad Optimizer and ChemApp: Lessons learned and opportunities generated
F. Tang1, B. Sundman2, M. to Baben1
1 GTT-Technologies, Herzogenrath, Germany; 2 OpenCalphad, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Many thanks
to the conference organising committee for a great and insightful conference and an exciting social programme.
We are already looking forward to CALPHAD 2025!

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