ChemApp for Python Webinar

The webinar wrap-up and link to the recording can be found here.

If you want to learn how to use FactSage to develop your own process model or for projects involving materials informatics, this is a good opportunity for you!

ChemApp for Python is included in FactSage 8.3 for free until August 2024. It provides the powerful thermodynamic calculation capabilities contained in FactSage in the form of a programmer’s library. The Python interface that is connected to FactSage provides a rich set of subroutines and classes for the calculation of complex equilibria using the Python language. With the recent advances of AI tools, the time to get started with process modelling or materials informatics using ChemApp for Python may be reduced from weeks to minutes!

Check here for more information:

We will host a 1-hour webinar on the usage of ChemApp for Python in two appointments in November 2023:

  • November 27th, @ 3:00 pm  (Berlin) / 2:00 pm (London) / 3:00 pm (Cape Town) / 10:00 am (New York) / 11:00 am (Sao Paulo)
  • November 29th, @ 10:00 am (Berlin) / 9:00 am (London) / 10:00 am (Cape Town) / 2:30 pm (New Delhi) / 5:00 pm (Beijing) / 6:00 pm (Tokyo) / 8:00 pm (Sydney)

If you are interested in getting the latest news about ChemApp for Python, you may sign up for our newsletter here.

We are looking forward to welcoming you online!