Find our latest release notes in the ChemApp for Python’s User Documentation.
FactSage 8.3
Since FactSage 8.3, ChemApp for Python is integrated in FactSage. Until end of August 2024, the license is included for all customers with active Maintenance and Support contract for FactSage free of charge.
To get started with ChemApp for Python, Equi2Py was developed, a module that allows the generation of a ChemApp for Python script from the Equilib module. Many features of Equilib are supported. The following figure shows the list of supported and not supported features. Note that there are some combinations of features that are not supported.

The ChemApp for Python script can either be in the form of a python file (.py) or in the form of a Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb). The following example shows the resulting Jupyter Notebook that is created when you export the example Equilib file (Ex_CH4-O2) that shows how to calculate the adiabatic flame temperature for methane combustion:

Initialization and general setup¶
This file is automatically generated using equi2py. Created on 2023-09-25 15:35:16
import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import chemapp as ca
from chemapp.friendly import (
StreamCalculation as casc,
ThermochemicalSystem as cats,
EquilibriumCalculation as caec,
Units as cau,
from chemapp.core import (
Load data file¶
cst_file = Path("pfadtest.cst")
# load the database file
Info about the CST file thermodynamic system¶
# system components
# phases and constituents
# only phases: cats.get_str_phs()
Transparent Data File Header Information ======================================== dtc File Creation Timestamp 2023-09-25 15:34:51 dte File Expiration Timestamp 2025-11-01 00:00:00 rem Remarks id Permitted User IDs 5001 usr Permitted User Names GTT - Technologies nrp Permitted Reading Program IDs ???? vnr Minimum Reading Program Version -1.-1.-1 ver Header Format Version 1 nwp Source Program Name Equilib vnw Source Program Version 8.3.0 SYSTEM COMPONENTS INDEX NAME 0 O 1 C 2 H PHASES AND CONSTITUENTS INDEX PHASE NAME STATUS INDEX CONSTITUENT NAME STATUS 0 gas_ideal ENTERED 0 H ENTERED 1 H2 ENTERED 2 C ENTERED 3 C2 ENTERED 4 C3 ENTERED 5 C4 ENTERED 6 C5 ENTERED 7 CH ENTERED 8 CH2 ENTERED 9 CH3 ENTERED 10 CH4 ENTERED 11 C2H ENTERED 12 C2H2 ENTERED 13 C2H3 ENTERED 14 C2H4 ENTERED 15 C2H6 ENTERED 16 O ENTERED 17 O2 ENTERED 18 O3 ENTERED 19 OH ENTERED 20 H2O ENTERED 21 HOO ENTERED 22 HOOH ENTERED 23 CO ENTERED 24 C2O ENTERED 25 CO2 ENTERED 26 C3O2 ENTERED 27 HCO ENTERED 28 H2CO ENTERED 29 CH3OH ENTERED 30 CH2CO ENTERED 31 C2H4O(g) ENTERED 32 C2H4O(g2) ENTERED 33 CH3CH2OH(g) ENTERED 34 CH3CH2OH(g2) ENTERED 35 HCOOH ENTERED 36 CH3COOH ENTERED 1 C_Graphite(s) ENTERED 2 C_diamond(s2) ENTERED 3 H2O_Ice(s) ENTERED
Units setup¶
It is possible to change the units before retrieving results, or in between making multiple inputs. However, mixed unit input is currently not generated automatically.
T = TemperatureUnit.C,
P = PressureUnit.atm,
V = VolumeUnit.dm3,
A = AmountUnit.mol,
E = EnergyUnit.J
Fixed conditions¶
Stream setup¶
Create streams. The names are defaults of “#1”, “#2”, … Feel free to make these more reasonable, but take care to edit everywhere they are used
casc.create_st(name="#1", T=25, P=1)
Variable conditions¶
define variables which are supposedly modified in iterations.
A = 0.0
# original condition for A was 1.0, which would not include 1.0.
# Increasing it by 0.05 yields the inclusive upper boundary.
A_range = np.arange(0.0, 1.05, 0.05)
# we keep the results in an OrderedDict, to access by variable value
results = OrderedDict()
# iter_ic_tg_1var
for A in A_range:
# set incoming amounts
casc.set_IA_pc("#1", "gas_ideal", "CH4", 1-A )
casc.set_IA_pc("#1", "gas_ideal", "O2", A )
# calculate
#fetch results
results[A] = casc.get_result_object()
except ChemAppError as c_err:
print(f"[<A> = {A}] ChemApp Error {c_err.errno}:")
# change this ...!
[<A> = 0.0] ChemApp Error 712: Target calculation aborted; the value of the target variable is less than th lowest permitted The error appeared after a call of "TQCE" [<A> = 1.0] ChemApp Error 711: Target calculation aborted; no solution is found within the permitted interval The error appeared after a call of "TQCE"
import pandas as pd
Temperatures along the axis of calculation¶
TvsA = pd.DataFrame(
data=[(A, x.T) for A, x in results.items()],
columns=["A", "T"],
# For more elaborate plotting, use e.g. matplotlib.
# If you work with a Jupyter notebooks, you can remove the part
# .figure.savefig("TvsA.png")
# to avoid saving the figure.
TvsA.plot(grid=True, xlabel='Alpha', ylabel=(f'T in {cau.get_T_unit().name}')).figure.savefig("TvsA.png")
Oxygen activity over the iterating variable¶
import numpy as np
# Check if oxygen is in the dataset
if ('gas_ideal', 'O2') in cats.get_name_ph_pcs():
ActivityO2vsA = pd.DataFrame(
data=[(A, r.phs["gas_ideal"].pcs["O2"].AC) for A, r in results.items()],
columns=["A", "Oxygen activity"],
ActivityO2vsA["Oxygen activity (log10)"] = ActivityO2vsA["Oxygen activity"].apply(np.log10)
# For more elaborate plotting, use e.g. matplotlib.
# If you work with a Jupyter notebooks, you can remove the part
# .figure.savefig("ActivityO2vsA.png")
# to avoid saving the figure.
ActivityO2vsA["Oxygen activity (log10)"].plot(
ylabel=f'log(p(O2)), p(O2) in {cau.get_P_unit().name}',
Phase constituent fractions¶
# Setting a threshold to filter
threshold = 0.001
# change this line for the phase you want
# we simply pick index 0 (typically the gas phase)
# you can also just set the name, e.g.
# phase = "gas_real"
phase = cats.get_name_phs()[0]
# Set up DataFrame, empty
constituent_amounts = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["A"] + cats.get_name_pcs_in_ph(phase),
# Iterate over each result object
for A, res in results.items():
# go through each phase constituent object
for pcname, pc in res.phs[phase].pcs.items():
# check for the threshold value
if pc.A > threshold:
# Add the datapoint value -> .A is property of PhaseConstituentState class
constituent_amounts.loc[A, pcname] = pc.A
# Plot the DataFrame (after dropping those never above the threshold)
constituent_amounts.dropna(how="all", axis=1).plot(grid=True)
<Axes: xlabel='A'>
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