Meet us at CALPHAD 2024!

Our report on CALPHAD 2024, including download links for our poster contributions, can be found here.

From May 26th to 31th, 2024 the International Conference on Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry CALPHAD will take place in Mannheim, Germany and we are excited to be there! 

GTT will be represented by the following contributions: 

Pre-conference workshop

Software tools to ensure CALPHAD assessment quality

Sunday, May 26 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm 

Moritz to Baben (GTT), Florian Tang (GTT) and Bengt Hallstedt (RWTH Aachen University) 

Together with the audience, we are eager to discuss what standard practices of CALPHADians should be made easy by software in order to ensure good CALPHAD assessment quality.  
Please note that a registration is required. 

Conference talk

Calphad Optimizer: SQL Insights on Refining, Machine Learning, and Quality Metrics

Tuesday, May 28 from 11:30 – 11:50 am (Session 6: CALPHAD and Data Science) 

Bruno Reis (GTT)


XMLTDB in FactSage Calphad Optimizer and ChemApp: Lessons learned and opportunities generated

Florian Tang

Automated Calphad Optimization Workflow

Cassie Früh

Data‐centric detection of compounds containing wrong data in large Calphad databases

Moritz to Baben

Assessment of the Gibbs energies of Perovskites in the system Ca-Mn-Sr-O using the Calphad Optimizer (CO)

Klaus Hack

We (Bruno, Cassie, Florian, Klaus, Moritz) look forward to talking to you and are excited to exchange ideas about Calphad database development & database formats!