A new tool for process modelling of metallurgical processes

Computers and Chemical Engineering,  25 ( 2001),  723
Language: English

A new tool for process modelling of metallurgical processes| Modigell M. | Traebert A. |
Institute for Chemical Engineering, RWTH Aachen, Turmstrasse 46, 52056 Aachen, Germany

| Monheim P. |
SMS Siemag AG, VEM2, Wolfgang-Reuter-Platz, 47053 Duisburg, Germany

| Petersen S. |
GTT-Technologies, Kaiserstrasse 100, 52134 Herzogenrath, Germany

| Pickartz U. |
Mannesmann Datenverarbeitung GmbH, Rehhecke 50, 40885 Ratingen, Germany

Keywords: | chemapp | process simulation | steelmaking | promosys | slag |



A new modular process modelling tool has been developed to support the design and operation of metallurgical processes. A modelling concept was formulated and a flowsheeting software tool has been developed for the calculation of complex non-equilibrium phenomena. To test both the basic approach and the software tool, the modelling and simulation of a LD converter process was undertaken. The validation of the simulation model shows good agreement of reported and calculated values for species concentation and temperature development in time. The aim of this approach is to achieve a high degree of accuracy in modelling and, at the same time, to correspond to the speed requirements of day to day design work. It is intended to extend the current research to obtain a tool not only for the design and simulation of established processes, but also for the computer-aided development or new process routes.