Global Presence

Map illustrating GTT-Technologies' global presence with markers highlighting partnerships and affiliates worldwide, including ThermFact, Spencer Group, RCCM, FactTech, Peilin Mao, In-Ho Jung, Tridiagonal, Ex Mente, Eugene Jak, Deltamet, and STE.

At GTT-Technologies, we bring our advanced thermochemical solutions to you, wherever you are in the world.

Although we operate globally, we work closely with our partners at ThermFact and maintain a strong network of dedicated sales representatives to ensure GTT-Technologies’ global presence. These representatives provide expert support and consultation in their regions. Explore our network of global sales representatives:

No matter where you are, we at GTT-Technologies are your direct point of contact, whether you have questions about technical details, licensing, pricing, or any other aspect of our solutions.
Contact us by opening a ticket under Support, and our dedicated team will be happy to help:

Together with our sales representatives, we offer a comprehensive range of solutions, including state-of-the-art software, extensive thermodynamic databases, and expert consulting services. We guide you through chemical space!


Below you will find our trusted sales representatives and/or contact persons who ensure GTT-Technologies’ global presence and provide expert guidance:


Prof. Eugene Jak
University of Queensland, PYROSEARCH
Brisbane, Queensland


Dr. Leonardo Barboza Trindade
Science, Technology and Engineering
Porto Alegre, Brasil


Thermfact Ltd. in coll. with CRCT,
Polytechnique Montréal
Montreal, Canada


Dr. Zhanmin Cao
Beijing FactTech LTD
Beijing, China


Taiyuan EquiSage Technology

Xiaohuan Zhang
Taiyuan EquiSage Technology Co., Ltd


Shubham Padole
Tridiagonal Solutions Pvt. Limited
Pune, Maharashtra, India


Dr. Daigen Fukayama
Research Center of Computational Mechanics
Tokyo, Japan


In-Ho Jung

Prof. Dr. In-Ho Jung
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering,
Seoul National University, South Korea


Peilin Mao

Dr. Peilin Mao

South Africa

Marinda Zietsman
Pretoria, South-Africa

South America*

Dr. Nubia Cardona Valencia
Quebec, Canada
* exkl. Brazil


Dr. Philip Spencer
Trumansburg, United States of America


We are here to help!

For any questions about our products or services, including technical support, licensing information, or pricing details, please contact us. Open a ticket in our Support Center, and we’ll be happy to help.