GTT – Our Consulting Services

With our consulting services you can reap the benifits of Technical Thermochemistry right away!

GTT has specialised in the field of Technical Thermochemistry since 1983. We were among the pioneers who applied Gibbs energy minimisation techniques to analyse industrial problems. Few other organisations involved in the field can look back on our level of experience. With this extensive experience in the field, we offer consulting services to customers which range from contractual thermochemical modelling services to custom softwares for particular applications. Our experience in the field enables fast and efficient implementations.
GTT, as a spinoff from an academic institution maintains strong relations across various research institutes. Hence we also help our customers with information regarding the services offered by other institutions and thus connect the industry with the research. One occasion where practicioners, thermodynamic modellers and experts in the field of experimetnal thermodynamics meet is the GTT Users’ Meeting, an ideal place to generate new ideas!

Our consulting areas are the following:

We offer many specific training courses for our whole software family. The training may take place online, at your location or in our place in Herzogenrath. Please inquire for a cost estimate, if you need a training course for FactSage, Simusage, ChemApp or ChemSheet.

We regularly offer an open online FactSage course. More information can be found here.

We also regularly offer an open course on our own tool for thermochemical database development, Calphad Optimizer. More information can be found here.

On our online course platform you will find our self-study online courses, starting with our new ChemApp for Python course.

Our experts can help you in calculating the thermodynamics for your system of interest. It may be the case that you wish to calculate the phase diagram for a complex system. Or you may just want to calculate the thermodynamic equilibrium for a specific system subject to a set of external imposed conditions e.g. temperature, pressure or the electric potential. We will get thorough advice from us in these respects. This includes also giving advice for the selection of the right thermodynamic database for your system.

If you need to develop a process model for a completely new process or to optimize an already existent process, we can help you with this task. Our experts can develop a computer program by employing a flow sheeting approach which is at the same time based on local total or partial equilibrium calculations. Our application developer SimuSage can tackle this task. In this way, we may even take into account kinetic effects occurring in chemical reactions and also the detailed thermal balance of the system. We have already successfully utilized this approach for many reactors in the areas of process metallurgy and combustion technology.

In some situations, you may need to include a chemical element or a substance in your calculations for your system of interest that is not available in our databases. Or you may have access to new reliable experimental data that should be reproduced by the thermodynamic database. In this situations, our experts may help you in adapting an already existent database or in creating a completely new one.